Qatar Players Association Board of Directors held an emergency meeting over Algharafa Football Club players strike and to discuss the overdue payments of the professional players in the league.
After the Board meeting, Mr. Abdulrhman Al-Kuwari, the Vice President of Qatar Players Association, announced that Qatar Players Association is disappointed due the continuous overdue payments of players and urged the clubs to respect their obligations towards the players. Mr. Al-Kuwari added that lack of government support is not a sufficient reason for the clubs to delay the players’ payments. In addition, Mr. Al-Kuwari urged the Ministry of Culture and Sports to uphold its agreement with Qatar Players Association in relation to the settlements of any outstanding amounts for the players.
Mr. Al-Kuwari added that Algharafa’s players exercised their right to express their objection to the constant delay of payment. In addition, Mr. Al-Kuwari expressed Qatar Players Association full support of Algharafa’s players and indicated that the State of Qatar has amended its labour laws to ensure that employees are paid on time. Therefore, Mr. Al-Kuwari urged the clubs to comply with the State laws because the players are employees as per the definition of the law.
Mr. Al-Kuwari concluded his statement by indicating that QPA’s President, Mr. Salman A. Al-Ansari, has met with H.E. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, QFA’s President and requested his official intervention with the Ministry of Culture and Sports to support QPA’s position in resolving the outstanding payments of Algharafa’s players and the other clubs.